There are currently 0 Western Air Pilots Airborne.


Total flights


Total distance

1,252 hours

Total hours


Total pilots

Start a new flight sim career with us

Here at Western Air Virtual we make it our sole purpose to mentor, educate and have fun. We offer a wide range of flying types including virtual airline hour building to many destinations across the world.

Management provide a non-politics atmosphere, whilst we remain professional we also have great fun but remain educational at all times. The airline provides the ability for our virtual pilots to fly with flexibility. We listen to our members to be sure we remain top of the leader board when it comes to experience, fun and leadership.

Western Air is a UK based virtual airline. We offer internal and external routes from many UK hubs. Before you get into the big birds you will undergo our PPL short course to show your flying skills. Once a member you can visit our flying school to get started.

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Earn Your Wings With Us

Private Pilots Licence

Commercial Pilots Licence

Airline Transport Pilots Licence

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